Atria Local Hack Day

Atria IoT Labs Atria Institute of Technology, ASKB Campus, 1st Main, Anandnagar, Hebbal, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Local Hack Day: Build is a global day-long hack day. Sign up to bring your ideas to life along with a worldwide community.

Google Cloud Study Jam

Only for the students enrolled in Google Cloud Career Readiness Program

Workshop on Python Programming Language

Atria IoT Labs Atria Institute of Technology, ASKB Campus, 1st Main, Anandnagar, Hebbal, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It's one of the popular language been used by DevOps practitioners as it's been used in many tools. Developers, Testers and IT engineers (Ops and Support) should take this workshop to excel their work.

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